Gas Infrastructure > Liquified Natural Gas

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled down below -162°C to become liquid. The amount of energy contained in one m3 of LNG is around 600 times bigger than the natural gas in its gaseous form, turning this form of gas attractive for large volume long distance transport, either on road or by sea. LNG is stored in insulated tanks, properly designed to maintain the high-pressure and negative temperatures, acting like a thermos. LNG can be used in different ways, including in an evaporated state, injected in a high-pressure transmission gas network. It can also be used as fuel in vessels, trains and trucks.

The management of the very low temperatures is a challenge for the industry. The insulation of the LNG tanks is not ideal, contributing to the rise of the LNG temperature over time. When the temperature rises above -162°C, the LNG starts boiling and is transformed into gas. The operators must handle a biphasic system — liquid and gas — and then ensure that the pressure does not increase above the limit for safety reasons.

The availability of LNG for mobility purposes presents another challenge to the industry, as more filling stations need to be developed to make LNG available for end-users.

LNG has proved to be an efficient solution to transport large quantities of energy on very long distances and without high-pressure. In order to ensure the technical progress of LNG’s development, shipping and storage, MARCOGAZ monitors standardisation activities, collects and shares data, information and technical concerns on LNG application processes.


Andrzej Żero